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#Post 24 : Pros and Cons of Lockdown

We’ve been trapped in our houses for six weeks now. The terminology ‘lockdown’ itself is quite overwhelming and gives a sense of being trapped. The economy is suffering; so are we. It is affecting our mental health. Yes, the coronavirus is deadly. But so is the lockdown — it will undoubtedly kill people. The restrictions are also having a very real effect on our happiness, health and wellbeing, from joblessness, loneliness and all the myriad knock-on effects. So which is worse?

The economy consists of people’s lives, in a very direct way: if you stop people working, you make their lives worse; their businesses go under, they fall behind on rent or mortgages, they can’t afford to buy the things they want or need.   Countries around the world are implementing various measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus. India is one of the countries that have implemented the world’s largest and most restrictive mass quarantines. 

India first impose 21 Day nationwide lockdown starting March 25. The lockdown, which was to end on April 14, was then extended for another 6 weeks, considering the growing number of infection cases.

But how far lockdown measures have been successful in curbing the pandemic?

Why it became necessary? What could be the fallouts of lockdown? These are some questions lingering in the minds of many people while they remain stuck at home amidst the pandemic. So, let’s look at some of the benefits and side effects of COVID-19-lockdowns.

·         Reduction in COVID-19 Cases

 Lockdown has significantly helped to reduce the spread of corona virus to millions people worldwide. If a person is infected with coronavirus who doesn’t follow lockdown and social-distancing norms, he can possibly infect 406 others in just 30 days. But this can dramatically come down to 2.5 people with almost 75% reduction in social exposure, according to a the study by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). Therefore, imposition of lockdown and social distancing measures is a very important intervention in the management of COVID-19.

·         Lockdowns are leading to fewer deaths from traffic accidents

The Lockdown has improved India’s road accident record substantially. The number of accidents reported so far in the lockdown has reduced because of lesser traffic on the roads. India has seen 16,500 fewer road accident-related deaths, which could be the biggest drop in a single year.

·       Spending Quality Family time

This issue is quite prevalent among the families where both the parents are working. Now that everyone is at home, kids are having the time of their life by enjoying with their family members and relatives

·         Environmental benefits

COVID-19 lockdowns have led to fewer vehicles on the road and planes in the sky, resulting in cleaner environment around the world. Big cities like Delhi and Mumbai see pollution levels drop by around 40-50%, according to data received from a European satellite system.
Climate scientists have found a huge improvement in air quality across the globe. Climate scientists also predict that greenhouse gas emissions will drop significantly this year because of COVID-19 lockdowns. However, they are also worried that the pollution levels will return with a vengeance once things restore to normal.


Side effects

·         Lockdown in India has impacted 40 million internal migrants:

Many migrants have been stranded due to the suspension of transport services. The sudden clampdown has left millions of migrant workers stranded in foreign lands, and many are struggling to survive without a job. Thousands of laborers were left jobless overnight in India. With little money and no place to stay, many walked or cycled hundreds of kilometers to reach their homeland. Many ended up dying of starvation, exhaustion and dehydration.

·         Increased cases of domestic violence

Cases of domestic violence have also increased post the lockdown in India. With women also losing jobs during the lockdown, their vulnerability has further increased. In many circumstances, whatever little women earn is given to their husband and now, some even leading to domestic violence, also the substantial burden from household have increased.


·         The Psychological Impact of Lockdown

Besides the many day-to-day challenges, the lockdown is taking a serious toll on the mental health of people. The lockdown is also contributing to it by triggering fears of losing businesses, jobs, earnings, savings or even basic resources. Many people are now suffering from anxiety, frustration, panic attacks, loss or sudden increase of appetite, insomnia, depression, mood swings, delusions, fear and suicidal tendencies. Such an example of mental crisis is many of people losing lives by committing suicide, one such is recent incident where an young and talented actor committed suicide by hanging himself named Sushant Singh.

We should also keep in mind that even if there are more suicides, those extra deaths are swamped by a decrease in accidents at work and on the roads. While lockdown is necessary to curtail the spread of the highly infectious coronavirus, it can have a long-lasting negative impact on the health of the people. Yes, the issues that the lockdown is creating are real. But this doesn't mean that it will be easy to navigate them or that saving human lives isn't vital, just that at some point in time, we can't just continue to turn a blind eye to these other issues, especially the longer they continue to go on. However, it’s bad if we keep the lockdown on for too long. But it would be even worse if we came out of lockdown too early. In the end, it’s better to lock down when you don’t need to, than not lock down when you do need to.

 By Sneha Paranjpe


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