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#Post 23 : Is Artificial intelligence (A.I.) Powering our strength?

In layman’s terms, artificial intelligence means to give robots and machines the ability to think by analyzing data-based information, behavior, or any characteristics. Elon Musk during his speech at MIT in 2014 compared artificial intelligence as summoning the demon and has quoted "I do think we need to be very careful about the advancement of AI". 
However, some potential billionaires in the tech world don’t conclude A.I as Elon Musk does. Resultantly, the pull of heavy investment and acqui-hire by the start-ups is being witnessed from some significant market players like Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft and tech giants.
In the present scenario, A.I. has been a prime-focus in building automation to compensate for human accuracy where there is a lack of man-power and constant efforts are being made in areas where human intelligence can be replaced. For instance, healthcare, sales, logistics, research, data analytics and several others are the corners of the world where AI is being used to bridge the gap between labor and comfort with intelligence. 

The question here arises on what grounds A.I. works and what are the governing parameters for it? Because, human intelligence when not controlled has resulted in chaos and mass destruction, though humans and feelings and emotions which are not there in artificial intelligence. The answer for parameters is answered by OECD that looks after the global A.I. program. OECD has given five basic value-based principles that abide A.I. 
1.1. Inclusive growth, sustainable development and well-being: The potential of AI should be trustworthy and should be in harmony with individuals, society and the planet to attain growth.
1.2. Human-centered values and fairness: This is to safeguard interest in the rule of law, human rights, democratic values and diversity. 
1.3. Transparency and explainability
1.4. Robustness, security and safety
1.5. Accountability
In 2019, Microsoft invested US $ 1Bn in OpenAI, a research lab startup. This investment is made to license some of the tech offered by the OpenAI. Moreover, Microsoft invested in nearly 10 other AI startup companies during the year.
On 18 June 2020, India joined GPAI (Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence) as one of the founding members.
On 18 June 2020, Qualcomm launched 5G and AI-based  platform for developers and manufacturers of robotics and other commercial and defense purposes
On 18 June 2020, the U.S. military announced its efforts to switch AI technology to warfare 
Amidst a pandemic in 2020, the healthcare sector has witnessed an exponential growth in the functioning of  AI and is termed as a new IT sector in the world. The future of AI is now focused on IoT, agile services, blockchain and several other services and products through big data.  Moreover, the robust growth of AI in the defense sector is a part of the major discussion as this will deny the first two value principles. However, we humans are known for manipulating principles for our benefits and this can be the future too.

by Gautam Mishra


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